and Dynatrace APM integrate seamlessly and Dynatrace APM integrate seamlessly to give you even more insight into performance of your critical applications.

Dynatrace is a leading application performance management solution for managing performance of a variety of critical applications. When installed on development, testing, or production environments, this unique solution provides in-depth details of application performance down to line-of-code detail.

When Dynatrace integrates with, you will get realistic testing scenarios with detailed insight into your performance, even across complex environments.

With this combination, you can track not only the response time of each request, but also get detailed metrics like execution breakdowns, the number of exceptions, SQL statements with bind variables, log messages, the number of calls with different APIs, Web services, JMS, GC impact on performance, objects allocated, and many more for each individual virtual user request.

Having this at your fingertips means you can find the bottlenecks in your application faster. Share code-level information with developers so they can fix it much faster than if you just tell them “the test broke on step 4.

Together, and Dynatrace make everyone’s job faster and easier and ultimately prevent issues from creeping into the live production environment.

— Jiri Kurejko, Account Manager - Dynatrace

You can try Dynatrace for free for 30 days at and for free as well!

Filed under: Testimonials / SmartMeter Tips