How to Easily Load Test Vaadin Web Applications

BLOG 23/05/17

How to Easily Load Test Vaadin Web Applications

Vaadin is great open-source web framework for developing rich internet applications. It is no secret, however, that running performance tests against Vaadin applications is rather complicated. Fortunately, there is one simple solution.

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Evaluate tests automatically with acceptance criteria

BLOG 17/01/17

Evaluate tests automatically with acceptance criteria

In the latest release (1.3.0) we made it possible to define your own acceptance criteria. What’s so great about this is that they allow to evaluate tests automatically! For example, you can tell whether the average response time did not exceed a certain threshold or the CPU was not overloaded without needing to check it manually.

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JMeter distributed load testing made simple

BLOG 01/09/15

JMeter distributed load testing made simple

Distributed testing means generating the load from multiple computers simultaneously, which is unavoidable when running a test with more virtual users. With it is very easy to do distributed load testing in a familiar JMeter interface. Take a look at how to do it.

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Improve JMeter Script Recording: Introducing Recorder

BLOG 02/06/15

Improve JMeter Script Recording: Introducing Recorder

Recording a script using JMeter requires going through a series of complicated settings. You can learn all about those settings, or you can save yourself a lot of time and give Recorder a shot. And even if you’re already a skilled JMeter user, there is a better way to record and edit test scripts.

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